A Congress

surmounting challenges effectively

© Council of Europe
After an exciting campaign, I was elected today Secretary General of the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of the Council of Europe, my mandate will take effect in early 2023.
Thank you to the Congress bureau members for giving me the opportunity to run for this election.
Thank you to the Congress members for supporting me with 70% of their votes. It is an honour and this level of trust comes with huge responsibilities. I will strive to serve the Congress to the best of my ability to promote further local and regional democracy.
Thank you also to all partners and friends for supporting me in this campaign.
Find the press release here.

More political, more innovative and more influential

The Congress Must Show Solidarity with Ukraine

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Our Youth: a Top Priority for the Congress

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Empowering Local and Regional Authorities

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Revitalising democracy with municipalities and regions

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Boosting the Visibility and Influence of the Congress

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The Council of Europe's Flagship Mission: Human Rights

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Magnus Berntsson

"Mathieu Mori, the person our Congress needs as Secretary General"

“Mathieu Mori has been Secretary General of the Assembly of European Regions (AER) during my first three years as President of this organisation. I am also a substitute and active member of the Congress. I immediately encouraged Mathieu Mori to apply for the position of Secretary General of the Congress. I think he is the person our Congress needs as Secretary General.

Indeed, the Congress should be political, now more than ever. He was the Secretary General of a large political assembly. The Congress, more than ever, needs to cooperate and seek allies. His network is extensive and his diplomatic success renowned. The Congress needs to innovate more than ever. He helped me to strengthen the Assembly of European Regions when it struggled with severe financial difficulties.

For our Congress of elected representatives, evolving in a complex institutional framework, he has the subtlety and diplomacy required to take the Congress in the right direction.

Mathieu Mori is responsible, determined and very loyal. I encourage you to make the sound choice for the Congress”.

Magnus Berntsson (AER President). © AER.EU.

As women in politics, former Presidents and Vice-Presidents of the Assembly of European Regions (AER), coming from a variety of different political and cultural backgrounds, we can testify to Mathieu's exemplary professionalism. He has demonstrated great insight and loyalty while advising and assisting us. He has always paid close attention to the Assembly’s elected representatives, respecting everyone and doggedly defending the interests of all. He has inspired enthusiasm and determination among both the Assembly and his team, and has always championed equal opportunities and gender equality for all.

From left to right: Johanna Mikl-Leitner (Lower Austria, Austria) Vice-President of the AER from 2010 to 2011; Michèle Sabban (Ile-de-France, France) President of the AER from 2008 to 2013; Dr Hande Özsan Bozatli (Istanbul, Turkey) President of the AER from 2013 to 2017.

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October 2022